The Still Small Voice PASSOVER HAGGADAH$34.99 / 125 NIS 
*Available in the STATES through AMAZON (click HERE)
*Available in ISRAEL through BUTTON BELOW 

And if ordered before April 11 we’ll deliver the Haggadah to your doorstep (ב”ה)

*and through Pomeranz Bookstore, Jerusalem

The STILL SMALL VOICE PASSOVER HAGGADAH, thirty years in the making, is finally available for public enjoyment.

This full color, book-size , 322 page, softcover Haggadah is rich in content and beautiful in presentation. A sample of which appears below.

It provides clear instructions for creating a Pesach seder and brings short but meaningful teachings about each step of the way (highlighted in green). Additionally, as a Teaching Haggadah, it presents more extensive commentary on each stage of the journey inviting the reader to dive more deeply into profoundly transforming messages and opportunities of the Passover ritual.


Sarah Yehudit has produced a Haggada shel Pesach. I have learnt it from beginning to end and was astonished both by the breadth of her erudition and the depth of her analysis.

Rabbi Dovid Refson, Rosh HaYeshiva Neve Yerushalayim

Sarah Yehudit’s teachings are full of profound insights based primarily on Kabbalah and Chassidut integrated with numerous ideas drawn from a surprising range of disciplines including physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, psychology and cultural anthropology…

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Senior Lecturer in Yeshivas Ohr Somayach, Halachic Decisor and Attorney at Law specializing in the interface of halacha and contemporary society.

The uniqueness of this Haggadah is that it actually guides the participant through a true process of spiritual redemption as he or she experiences the many stages of the Seder… The great contribution of this revolutionary Haggadah is that it actually guides the participant through this process.

Rabbi Tzvi Leshem, Rabbi Emeritus, Kehillat Shirat Shlomo (Efrat)

Sarah Yehudis has gifted us the story of two exoduses: from Egypt and from our broken selves. She tells the story of national and personal exile with insight and empathy, and of the twin redemptions with heartfelt compassion. This Hagadah is a wonderful guide for the Seder and personal liberation.

Rabbi Ozer Bergmann, author of:  Where Earth and Heaven Kiss: A Guide to Rebbe Nachman’s Path of Meditation













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