Sarah Yehudit’s Schedule of Zoom Classes

Sarah Yehudit’s regular classes have moved to zoom, and will be starting up this week (April 26), which makes them more widely accessible, so here is the schedule and the contact person for each class.  You are welcome to join. (All times are Jerusalem times)

Sunday (7:30 – 8:45 PM) – Zohar (we will be studying the zohar’s commentary on Kol Nidre as an annulment of our conceptual boxes that function as vows that keep us in galut consciousness.)
[email protected]

Mon (12:30 – 1:30 PM) – Teachings of our Wondrous Torah in Preparation for Shavuot (sponsored by Sfat Beit Midrash)
[email protected]

Tues (8 – 9:15 PM) – Shavuot Teachings
[email protected]

Thurs (3 – 4:30 PM)—Studying the book, “You Are What You Hate—A Spiritually Productive Approach to Enemies”
[email protected]

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