
Prayer and Destiny
Prayer and Destiny explores the mystery of prayer and how it is a potent tool for personal growth and change. It examines the difference between prayer versus visualization and affirmation and how the latter can be incorporated into the prayer process . The course focuses on personal prayer but its instructions can readily be incorporated into liturgy.
This kabbalistic method of prayer is a most powerful tool for refining will. And that is the primary work of a spiritual path.
Prayer and Destiny is a 20 week course.
To see a sample lesson, excerpts from the course, and the final questions (which you will be able to answer upon completion of the course), click here.
Enlightened Body
The Enlightened Body examines the difference between mitzvah and meditation as spiritual practices. What happens inside, what happens in the universe when I do a mitzvah versus when I meditate? In the end, the ideal, is to incorporate both.
Unlike meditation, nearly every mitzvah requires the body to move and expend effort. These Divinely specified deeds grease neural pathways that bring our instincts and reflexes into line with spiritual law.
Enlightened Body is a 12 week course.
To see excerpts from the lessons and the final questions (which you will be able to answer upon completion of the course), click here.

Synchrony begins a practical exploration of the mitzvot as they cycle through time, beginning with the six constant mitzvot. Among the 613 mitzvot that comprise the Jewish spiritual path are six constant meditations that one most hold in his or her heart-mind at all times.
Synchrony is 13 weeks long.
To see excerpts from the lessons and the final questions (which you will be able to answer upon completion of the course), click here.
Time Trekking
Time Trekking explores the deeper meanings behind the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cycles of observance. Beginning with the unit of time called rega (or blink of an eye) and then to chelek (the measure of a breath), and then to hour, day, week, etc., Time Trekking examines the various practices (some halachic and some meta-halachic) that align us with the deep, cosmic rhythms of time.
Time Trekking is 26 weeks long.
To see excerpts from the lessons and the final questions (which you will be able to answer upon completion of the course), click here.