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Writings and Video Posts

A House For Himself, Sukkot For His Herds

The Torah reports that after this huge test, victory, and blessing Yacov headed straight to sukkot:
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Video: On Yom Kippur, Leave Your Begging Bowl at the Door

The Sod Yesharim suggests a very powerful practice to get the most out of our highest of holy days, Yom Kippur.
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Yom HaZikharon: Our Holiday of Remembrance

Recite before me the verses of remembrance, that your remembrance shall arise before Me for good.  And through what? Through the shofar.
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Video: Rosh HaShana and the Kabbalistic Mystery of Nesira

You might be surprised to know that Rosh HaShana is not only Day of Judgement and the Day of Remembrance, it is also, says kabbala, the Day of Nesira (surgical uncoupling).
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