Donate to A Still Small Voice

Thank you for donating to A Still Small Voice, a registered non-profit institution in both Israel and the United States.
Your contributions will enable Sarah Yehudit’s Torah to reach an ever widening audience. Her Illustrated Video Teachings and Holiday Insights are distributed by email free of charge. The correspondence school provides scholarships to to Jewish prisoners and subsidizes tuition for others upon request. We welcome your tax deductible donations. They will be put to good use.
If you would like to inscribe a dedication in Sarah Yehudit’s latest publication, or sponsor a “News and Muse” free holiday mailing, please contact us for information and pricing.
A Still Small Voice thanks you for supporting Sarah Yehudit’s important work.
If you need a U.S. tax-deductible receipt then you must donate by check payable to P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc., 630 Third Ave, Ste 1501, New York, NY 10017 with a recommendation that it be used for A Still Small Voice, amuta number 58-0221356. This method works only for checks of $25 or more.
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