Enrollment and Tuition

A Still Small Voice correspondence school is divided into four courses:
Prayer and Destiny explores how to work with personal prayer as a tool for growth and change. (20 weeks)
Enlightened Body which looks at the power of Torah’s action directives (mitzvot) to serve as a spiritual path, and how they do also incorporate meditation. (12 weeks)
Synchrony explores the six constant mitzvot which are six meditations to hold in our heart-mind at all times. (13 weeks)
Time Trekking explores the 613 mitzvot as they orient to the ten kabbalisticly significant units of time—the blink-of-an-eye, the measure-of-a-breath, the hour, day, week, etc.) (26 weeks)
These four courses follow a logical sequence and build one upon the other. For that reason our advice is to study them in the order presented. But, if you feel interested in in a particular course and prefer to start there, that is also fine.
Subscribers receive one lesson per week plus supplemental teachings for the holidays occurring throughout the period of enrollment.
There are three categories of students and their tuition varies accordingly. See table below.
Individuals who study on their own, at their own pace. (full price).
Chavrutot (Study Partners) who subscribe together and (hopefully) study together. (10% discount for each)
Group learners (five or more people) who subscribe together and (hopefully) meet as a group to explore the material together (20% discount for each).
To register online using credit card or paypal just click on the appropriate button below. You will be directed to a secure site, where you can safely proceed with your payment.
NOTE: Although the payment site is sponsored by paypal, you do not need a Paypal account, for Paypal accepts all major credit cards. If you prefer, however, to send payment by check, just print out the registration form and send it along with your check to:
A Still Small Voice Chabad 90/16 Jerusalem 97500 Israel
Partner Study
(per person)
Group Study
(per person)
20 weeks
12 weeks
26 weeks