Human Beginnings

The Cosmic model of creative process, translated into human terms, looks something like this:

PURPOSE (SPIRITUAL) ‑ Out of the vast expanse of infinite possibilities and potentialities that lie within the heart of every human being, a worthy goal presents itself—one of many that could be chosen as the focus of a person’s life for the short or long term. This point of preconception will determine the impact of the project at its final end. If intended as an expression of Divine service—to further creation’s perfecting—then it will endure in the long term.[11] Words are not sufficient, here.  Only heartfelt, internalized sincerity will do. This moment determines whether success will strengthen ego, thereby creating further separation from G‑d, or whether it will dissolve ego, bringing greater union with the Creator. The spiritual potency of an act is directly proportional to its originating intention.[12]

CONCEALMENT OF ALL PRESENCE (BREAKING SYMMETRY) ‑ The life and mind are now cleared of all distractions, even one’s most lofty thoughts must go. The goal is a primal, resonating calm that permeates into one’s bones and dissolves even the resistance of one’s lower nature to spiritual work. Ezekiel alludes to this in his vision when he describes the disturbances of “stormy wind,” “great cloud,” “fire flashing,” and “bright glow” that he had to pass through before the gates of prophesy were opened to him.[13] The measure of a person’s success on this level determines the profundity and complexity that she will be able to accommodate within herself at later stages.

PURPOSE (PRACTICAL) – (as it appears against a background cleared of extraneous light) ‑ Only the previously selected purpose is allowed to reenter the empty womblike space where it now becomes the sole source of illumination. It has not changed from its original form, but now it is isolated and examined against a high contrast backdrop which provides maximum access and visibility. This becomes the focal point of all that will subsequently unfold.

CONCEALMENT OF INFINITUDE (SPECIALIZATION) – This requires concentration upon the subject at hand in a posture of prayerful acknowledgment that inspiration comes from a place beyond oneself. This is the place to articulate a desire that all be maximally consistent with the Creator’s Primal‑Will‑to‑Good.

CONCEPT Spark of insight. The lightening flash of intuition that, for an instant illumines the brain. If not developed immediately or otherwise impressed upon memory it will recede just as quickly back into the ethers from whence it came.

CONCEALMENT OF ALL KNOWINGNESS ‑ The appropriate response here is “beginners mind.” One should assume an attitude of wonder and humble ignorance about the matter at hand. However much you know, you know nothing in this moment. All preconceived notions must go. There are no assertions, only questions…the knot of thought unfolds and reveals its secrets. This is a time for unconditional receptivity.

VISION ‑ From the many threads of information one constructs an overview which synthesizes the internal elements of the concept and fixes their relationship to external reality.

CONCEALMENT OF ALL POWERFULLNESS ‑ It is absolutely critical that one accept the limitations of her chosen medium of expression. Mastery can only come from a previous state of total submission to the realities of both the physical world and the instruments of one’s trade. This requires time and energy for study and experimentation. In the end one should know them so deeply that they become extensions of ones very self. A person must also accept the necessity of specialization in the creative process. If he spends time doing this, there’s no time for that. If she develops the plan one way, the other options remain unrealized.

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