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Ruach Hakodesh by R. Tsadok HaKohen--Podcasts

Rav Tsadok HaKohen (d. 1900) is one of the deepest, most daring and articulate teachers of hassidut and kabbalah.  His teachings grapple with complexity and paradox in ways that are especially relevant to our generation. This class began in 2016 and is ongoing,

The podcasts are organized according to classes. It is possible to purchase individual classes. It is also possible to purchase the entire course.

Ruach Hakodesh by R. Tsadok HaKohen-- Classes

Podcasts are set up by classes, $5 each in bundles of 5 classes. It is also possible to purchase the entire course and receive a 20% discount. See below.

Ruach Hakodesh by R. Tsadok HaKohen-- Classes

Ruach Hakodesh by R. Tsadok HaKohen — ALL CLASSES (25)
Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $100.00.