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Category: Shavuot Through the Years

Turning Wisdom into Oral Torah

Our Written Torah is fixed and final.  Its sequence of letters, spacings, stories
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Shavuot through the years

Shavuot teachings over the years.
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Malchut Sh’b’Malchut

To describe the king as “entangled in the tresses” is to assert that
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Sifra, Sefer, Sippur

The Torah, says Sefer Yetzira, is really three in one. There’s the Torah
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The Reward of a Mitzvah

The Zohar is teaching that HaShem (so to speak) looked into Him/Her/Itself and
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Black Fire on White Fire: Torah of Atzilut

This Torah of Atzilut was what Adam would have received had he not
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Converts: Unsung Heroes of the Oral Torah

Shavuot 5778 / 2018 "And you shall know the soul of a convert,
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The Torah of Atzilut: The Torah of Souls

Shavuot 2016 /5776 At Sinai we got the Torah of Atzilut—the Torah of
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Shavuot 5775 / 2015 Elokim is more a pathway than an entity. It
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Like it Or Not, We Are In This Together

Shavuot 2014 / 5774 One could depict the whole course of history as
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Dewdrops of Light–Shavuot 5773 / 2013

 When HaShem revealed the Torah at Sinai, the Israelites died at every word.
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Shavuot (Inspired by Meor v’Shemesh)

Jacob’s ladder reaches up through the worlds to the inwardness of G-d called
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Shavuot 2011 / 5771

Sarah Yehudit Schneider When a person sees 600,000 (or more) Jews gathered in
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Shavuot, 5770 (2010) – Based on Sod Yesharim (Radziner Rebbe)

While HaShem revealed the Torah no bird chirped, no fowl flew, no ox
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Shavuot 2009 / 5769

Sarah Yehudit Schneider Shavuot, the anniversary of the Torah’s revelation, is called the
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Shavuot 2008 / 5768

A Shavuot Torah 2008 / 5768 Sarah Yehudit Schneider based on Tsidkat HaTsadik 193,
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