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Tag: Chanukha

Chanukka Through the Years

Just as eyes are windows to the soul, so the Chanukka lights are
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Paradox: A Hanukkah Dilemma

Hanukkah teaches us how to survive exile and how to accomplish the purpose
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Chanukka through the years

Just as eyes are windows to the soul, so the Chanukka lights are
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A Chanukka Meditation from the Zohar

Those who seize this occasion to meditate on the Chanukka lamps will be
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“These Lights are Holy…”: An Instruction for Meditation

Chanukka 2015 / 5776 Our simple affirmation now becomes a deep teaching about
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“…Until there are no stragglers in the marketplace.”

When is the time for lighting Chanukka candles? The earliest time is sunset
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Chanukka and the Feminine

The deepening union between the Shekhina and HKBH occurs in a very different
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Artist Yoram Raanan - Menorah

Hillel says to move toward many; Shammai says to move toward one

Chanukah, 2012 / 5773 Inspired by R. Tsadok HaKohen, Resisei Laila, 56 and
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On Chanukka Everyone’s a High Priest

A Chanukha Teaching–2011 Based on R. Tsadok Hakohen, Pri Tsadik – Chanuka #1
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The Inner Search for Pure Oil

Sarah Yehudit Schneider   Among the various categories of mitzvot are those that
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Chanukkah, Greece and Democracy

5769 / 2008 Sarah Yehudit Schneider There is no person or nation that
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