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Tag: jewish holiday

Like it Or Not, We Are In This Together

Shavuot 2014 / 5774 One could depict the whole course of history as
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Plagues by Land…Plagues by Sea

Pesach 2014 / 5774 How deep did the lessons of the plagues absorb
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Shavuot 2011 / 5771

Sarah Yehudit Schneider When a person sees 600,000 (or more) Jews gathered in
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Shavuot 2009 / 5769

Sarah Yehudit Schneider Shavuot, the anniversary of the Torah’s revelation, is called the
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Shavuot 2008 / 5768

A Shavuot Torah 2008 / 5768 Sarah Yehudit Schneider based on Tsidkat HaTsadik 193,
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