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Tag: mashiach


R. Tsadok, here, indicates that actions can also serve as a kind of
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Worlds, Souls, Divinity: Purim 2023

This is a teaching about prayer as conveyed by the Komarna Rebbe
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Chanukka lights bring healing to the corruptions of power that surround our light
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“This Opposite This” HaShem Made the World

This tug-of-war stripped down to its basics is really about “who eats who?”
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A Kabbalistic Kavanna for Eating Matzah at the Seder

Pesach 2021 / 5781 by Sarah Yehudit Schneider Matzah on Pesach is a
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Our Fruit Tree and Vegetable Kingdom Role Models: Tu B’Shvat 2021

On Tu B’Shvat we celebrate our generous and magnificent fruit trees that selflessly
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The Chinukh of Chanukka

Chanukka 5781 / 2020 This holiday is called Chanukha because it is training
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A Short Tribute to Etrog for Tu B’Shvat

The word for etrog (אתרוג) relates to the Hebrew root, רגג, which means,
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Chanukka: Harbinger of Messianic Gender Shifts to Come

Chanukka references toward the future, R. Luria associates them with Mashiach ben David,
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When the Body Gives Light to the Soul

Purim, 5777 / 2017 R. Tsadok HaKohen broadens the definition of Oral Torah
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The Torah of Atzilut: The Torah of Souls

Shavuot 2016 /5776 At Sinai we got the Torah of Atzilut—the Torah of
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A Short Discourse on Freedom

Pesach 2016 /5776 The reward phase of history called the world-to-come is characterized
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Elijah the Peacemaker

Pesach 2015 / 5775 Who is Elijah? What does he have to do
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Lavan the Aramean

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Tikkun of Speech – Pesach 2011

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The Inevitable Fall From Grace – Pesach, 2009

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Matzah: Bread of Humility — Pesach 2008

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Slavery, Redemption and Matzah

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The Four Questions

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The Removal of Chametz

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“Pesach is the Conception” — 2004

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The Secret of Eating at the Seder

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