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Tag: menorah

Chanukka Through the Years

Just as eyes are windows to the soul, so the Chanukka lights are
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Chanukka through the years

Just as eyes are windows to the soul, so the Chanukka lights are
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The Menorah: Secret of Ruach HaKodesh

Chanukka 2016 / 5777 The menorah symbolizes the Oral Torah—the light that we
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The Torah of Atzilut: The Torah of Souls

Shavuot 2016 /5776 At Sinai we got the Torah of Atzilut—the Torah of
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A Short Discourse on Freedom

Pesach 2016 /5776 The reward phase of history called the world-to-come is characterized
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Topsy-Turvy Gluon Dance: Purim 2016 /5776

Relationship is a dynamic endeavor for it combines two contradictory poles—merging and differentiating—that
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“These Lights are Holy…”: An Instruction for Meditation

Chanukka 2015 / 5776 Our simple affirmation now becomes a deep teaching about
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On Chanukka Everyone’s a High Priest

A Chanukha Teaching–2011 Based on R. Tsadok Hakohen, Pri Tsadik – Chanuka #1
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