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Tag: sefirot

Post October 7th: Zohar on the “Three Cries” as a Model of Trauma

There are a million ways to make space for new light. But sometimes
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Post October 7th: Anger Drives the Plot

Survival has required us to perfect the capacity to transform the intensely concentrated
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Worlds, Souls, Divinity: Purim 2023

This is a teaching about prayer as conveyed by the Komarna Rebbe
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Our Fruit Tree and Vegetable Kingdom Role Models: Tu B’Shvat 2021

On Tu B’Shvat we celebrate our generous and magnificent fruit trees that selflessly
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A Short Tribute to Etrog for Tu B’Shvat

The word for etrog (אתרוג) relates to the Hebrew root, רגג, which means,
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Chanukka: Harbinger of Messianic Gender Shifts to Come

Chanukka references toward the future, R. Luria associates them with Mashiach ben David,
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The kabbalists read into Chanukka’s eight days, a journey of progressive tikun down
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Masters of the Saf: Purim 2015 / 5775

The only thing that will make us happy is to finally become whole,
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Plagues by Land…Plagues by Sea

Pesach 2014 / 5774 How deep did the lessons of the plagues absorb
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The Power of a Good Eye

PurimBurst 2009. Esther inspired affection in the eyes of all who saw her…
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The Book of Esther is a Map of Feminine Development

Based on the teachings of R. Isaac Luria as presented in Kabbalistic Writings
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Anger Drives the Plot

Every moment is a story, and every story has a motor that propels
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A Time for Silence, A Time for Speech

Since the genocidal decree would not take effect for close to a year,
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I Am the First, I Am the Last

The Book of Esther is an historical narrative, that occurred between the years
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Torah of Souls

PurimBurst 2003. Then the King conferred with His sages, experts in reading the
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Mesirut Nefesh and Oral Torah

Mordekhai replied, “If you persist in keeping silent at this time relief and
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How to Identify the Crown Princess

PurimBurst 2001 / 5761. And the king loved Esther more than all the
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The Cosmic Seven Millenia Wine Party

PurimBurst 2000/5760. And it was in the days of Achashverosh… when the king
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Knowing that You Don’t Know

PurimBurst 1999/5659. A burning issue is how to uncompromisingly devote oneself to truth,
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Manna and Haman

Each life’s journey is filled with crossroads that rarely have signs to mark
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Haman as Archetype of Narcissism

PurimBurst 1997 / 5757 In our generation the war with Amalek is an
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Amalek At The Crossroads

PurimBurst 1996/5756. Whenever Israel is about to access a new revelation of Torah,
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The Service of Purim IS Lots

Why is this holiday called Purim?  Why is it called after the lots
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The Blessings and the Curse

There is a real place that exists right now, on an inner plane,
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Haman and the Tree of Knowledge

Every “thing” and moment, both ancient and modern, has its source in the
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