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Tag: shame

Post October 7th, One Nation: Diverse Yet Indivisible

HaShem embedded a safety mechanism into the providential influence He exerts upon our
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Post October 7th: Zohar on the “Three Cries” as a Model of Trauma

There are a million ways to make space for new light. We can
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Post October 7th: Anger Drives the Plot

Survival has required us to perfect the capacity to transform the intensely concentrated
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Video: Rosh HaShana and the Kabbalistic Mystery of Nesira

You might be surprised to know that Rosh HaShana is not only Day
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The Dust of Their Skirmish Reached to the Throne of Glory: Sukkot 5783

The “dust” of Yakov's epic battle with Essav reached to the Throne of
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Elul and the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy

The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, when spoken in a prayer gathering, are always
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Chai Elul: A Rosh HaShana Teaching for the Baal Shem Tov’s Birthday

Rosh Hashana (humanity's birthday) is actually a very strange Yom Tov given the
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Masters of Judgement

Rosh Hashana marks the conception and Pesach marks the birth of Knesset Yisrael,
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Shame is Nothing to Be Ashamed About

Divine perfection, in order for it to be infinite, must include the possibility
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The Transmutation of Shame though Teshuva

Rosh HaShana 2016 / 5777 There are three categories of tikunim, and every
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Masters of the Saf: Purim 2015 / 5775

The only thing that will make us happy is to finally become whole,
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The Power of a Good Eye

PurimBurst, 2009 / 5569 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Esther inspired affection in the eyes
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The Book of Esther is a Map of Feminine Development

PurimBurst, 2007 / 5567 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Based on the teachings of R.
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Anger Drives the Plot

PurimBurst, 2006 / 5566 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Queen Vashti refused to come at
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A Time for Silence, A Time for Speech

PurimBurst, 2005 / 5565 Sarah Yehudit Schneider When Mordecai conveyed to Esther… “If
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I Am the First, I Am the Last

PurimBurst, 2004 / 5564 Sarah Yehudit Schneider And [Mordecai] brought up Hadassah, that
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Torah of Souls

PurimBurst, 2003 / תשס”ג Sarah Yehudit Schneider Then the King conferred with His
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Mesirut Nefesh and Oral Torah

PurimBurst, 2002 / 5762 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Inspired by R. Tsadok HaKohen, Pri
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How to Identify the Crown Princess

PurimBurst, 2001 / 5761 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Inspired by R. Tsadok HaKohen (רסיסי
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The Cosmic, Seven Millenia Wine Party

PurimBurst, 2000 / 5760 Sarah Yehudit Schneider And it was in the days
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Knowing that You Don’t Know

PurimBurst, 1999 / 5659 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Many of the peoples of the
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Manna and Haman

PurimBurst, 1998 / 5758 Sarah Yehudit Schneider In the same way that a
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Haman as Archetype of Narcissism

PurimBurst, 1997 / 5757 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Haman recounted to them the glory
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Amalek At The Crossroads

PurimBurst, 1996 / 5756 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Remember, HaShem, the offspring of Edom…the
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The Service of Purim IS Lots

PurimBurst, 1995 / 5755 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Why is this holiday called Purim? 
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