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Tag: tikun

Pesach Through the Years

Pesach teachings over the years (2003-present.)
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A Kabbalistic Kavanna for Eating Matzah at the Seder

Pesach 2021 / 5781 by Sarah Yehudit Schneider Matzah on Pesach is a
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Pesach Through the Years

Pesach teachings over the years (2003-present.)
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Converts: Unsung Heroes of the Oral Torah

Shavuot 5778 / 2018 "And you shall know the soul of a convert,
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Symbolic Resonance Permeates the Seder

Pesach 5778 / 2018 We start the seder by pronouncing the fifteen steps
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A Chanukka Meditation from the Zohar

Those who seize this occasion to meditate on the Chanukka lamps will be
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Blessed Be the Makom…Blessed Be the Giver of Torah…

Pesach 5777 / 2017 HaMakom refers to the womblike vacuum produced by the
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Topsy-Turvy Gluon Dance: Purim 2016 /5776

Relationship is a dynamic endeavor for it combines two contradictory poles—merging and differentiating—that
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Elijah the Peacemaker

Pesach 2015 / 5775 Who is Elijah? What does he have to do
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“…Until there are no stragglers in the marketplace.”

When is the time for lighting Chanukka candles? The earliest time is sunset
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Pesach 5773 / 2013 The 12th step in our seder, Tsafun, marks the
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Lavan the Aramean

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The Inner Search for Pure Oil

Sarah Yehudit Schneider   Among the various categories of mitzvot are those that
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Tikkun of Speech – Pesach 2011

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The 17th of Cheshvan: When the Great Flood Began

by Sarah Yehudit Schneider R. Tsadok explains that HaShem was hoping to bring
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The Inevitable Fall From Grace – Pesach, 2009

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Chanukkah, Greece and Democracy

5769 / 2008 Sarah Yehudit Schneider There is no person or nation that
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Matzah: Bread of Humility — Pesach 2008

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Slavery, Redemption and Matzah

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The Four Questions

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The Removal of Chametz

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“Pesach is the Conception” — 2004

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The Secret of Eating at the Seder

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