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Tag: wisdom

Turning Wisdom into Oral Torah

Our Written Torah is fixed and final.  Its sequence of letters, spacings, stories
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R. Tsadok, here, indicates that actions can also serve as a kind of
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Video: On Yom Kippur, Leave Your Begging Bowl at the Door

The Sod Yesharim suggests a very powerful practice to get the most out
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Video: Rosh HaShana and the Kabbalistic Mystery of Nesira

You might be surprised to know that Rosh HaShana is not only Day
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Tisha B’av Video by Sarah Yehudit Schneider, 2023

Explores the metaphoric question of, "Does God cry?"
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Worlds, Souls, Divinity: Purim 2023

This is a teaching about prayer as conveyed by the Komarna Rebbe
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Chanukka lights bring healing to the corruptions of power that surround our light
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Video: Sarah, Sarai, Yiska

Sarah is the Matriarch of the Jewish people. Tradition ascribes superiority to her
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The Dust of Their Skirmish Reached to the Throne of Glory: Sukkot 5783

The “dust” of Yakov's epic battle with Essav reached to the Throne of
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Elul and the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy

The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, when spoken in a prayer gathering, are always
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“This Opposite This” HaShem Made the World

This tug-of-war stripped down to its basics is really about “who eats who?”
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Our Fruit Tree and Vegetable Kingdom Role Models: Tu B’Shvat 2021

On Tu B’Shvat we celebrate our generous and magnificent fruit trees that selflessly
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The Chinukh of Chanukka

Chanukka 5781 / 2020 This holiday is called Chanukha because it is training
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Chai Elul: A Rosh HaShana Teaching for the Baal Shem Tov’s Birthday

Rosh Hashana (humanity's birthday) is actually a very strange Yom Tov given the
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A Short Tribute to Etrog for Tu B’Shvat

The word for etrog (אתרוג) relates to the Hebrew root, רגג, which means,
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Chanukka: Harbinger of Messianic Gender Shifts to Come

Chanukka references toward the future, R. Luria associates them with Mashiach ben David,
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Masters of Judgement

Rosh Hashana marks the conception and Pesach marks the birth of Knesset Yisrael,
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The Klipah Precedes the Fruit

The passion lights of the gevurot, when unpacked and enlightened by their matching
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The kabbalists read into Chanukka’s eight days, a journey of progressive tikun down
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Shame is Nothing to Be Ashamed About

Divine perfection, in order for it to be infinite, must include the possibility
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The Shame Behind Causeless Hatred

Baseless Hatred is what caused our exile, and yet for two thousand years
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The Akeida: A Hero’s Journey

Rosh HaShana 5778 / 2017 Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Gellman’s exploration of the Mei
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When the People are Ready the Obstacles Dissolve

Tisha B'av 5777 / 2017 These wild beasts, says kabbala, are actually the
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