These Podasts are audio recordings of courses that were given by Sarah Yehudit over the years. The classes are bundled into yearlong sessions. For information about content, history, cost and availability of each course just click on the image below.
If you can’t make it, you can enjoy the recordings. You can receive a weekly podcast through email, or you can download the archives and listen at your leisure.

The Zohar class is the longest lasting course. It started in 2008. We are moving through the Zohar page by page. We completed the Hakdama (Preface) and and have moved into the first book of Bereshit.
(This product is in process)

The Tanya class began in 2012 and (as of June 2015) we are in chapter 39.
(This product is in process)

This class explores the source texts behind the teachings that comprise the first half of the book called “Where do Enemies Come From.” It began in 2014 and we are currently (as of June 2015) in third section of the book called, “I Centers.”
(This product is in process)
Rav Tsadok HaKohen (d. 1900) is one of the deepest, most daring and articulate teachers of hassidut and kabbalah. His teachings grapple with complexity and paradox in ways that are especially relevant to our generation. This class began in 2016 and is ongoing,
These are classes that have run for a year or more. They are deep explorations of a topic that reached their closure.

(Starting with the source texts that comprise the 2nd half of the book)
(This product is in process)
The recordings of Sarah Yehudit’s Standalone classes are available for free. Click HERE to see those options.