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Tag: Rosh HaShanna

Addiction and Higher Teshuvah: Rosh HaShana 2023

You might be surprised to hear that addiction is as old as humanity
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Video: Rosh HaShana and the Kabbalistic Mystery of Nesira

You might be surprised to know that Rosh HaShana is not only Day
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The Dust of Their Skirmish Reached to the Throne of Glory: Sukkot 5783

The “dust” of Yakov's epic battle with Essav reached to the Throne of
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Elul and the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy

The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, when spoken in a prayer gathering, are always
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Chai Elul: A Rosh HaShana Teaching for the Baal Shem Tov’s Birthday

Rosh Hashana (humanity's birthday) is actually a very strange Yom Tov given the
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Masters of Judgement

Rosh Hashana marks the conception and Pesach marks the birth of Knesset Yisrael,
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Shame is Nothing to Be Ashamed About

Divine perfection, in order for it to be infinite, must include the possibility
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The Akeida: A Hero’s Journey

Rosh HaShana 5778 / 2017 Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Gellman’s exploration of the Mei
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The Transmutation of Shame though Teshuva

Rosh HaShana 2016 / 5777 There are three categories of tikunim, and every
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Sisera’s Mother Sets the Tone for our Rosh HaShana Shofar

Rosh HaShana, 5775 / 2014 The essential obligation of Rosh HaShana is not
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Sweetening the Dinim – Rosh HaShanna

Rosh HaShana 2013/5774 Our Rosh Hashana avoda—its soul-searching, lengthy prayers, and special mitzvot—is
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Three Levels of Prayer — Rosh HaShana

Rosh HaShana 5772 / 2010 Sarah Yehudit Schneider Eliyahu Dessler teaches that there
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