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Tag: spirituality

This Year…. Next Year….

Is there such a thing as a "free gift," and is it something
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Addiction and Higher Teshuvah: Rosh HaShana 2023

You might be surprised to hear that addiction is as old as humanity
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Fifteen Stages of the Pesach Seder

Is there such a thing as a "free gift," and is it something
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Purim 2021: Who is Charvonah…

Charvonah is a seemingly insignificant character in the Purim story. He is one
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Turning Noga into Chashmal

Chashmal thus becomes the codeword for embracing paradox by skirting back and forth
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Fifteen Stages of the Pesach Seder

The Fifteen Stages That Form the Backbone of Our Pesach Ritual and trace
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Keter – Malchut

The feminine’s teshuva journey is thus the polar opposite of her male counterpart.
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From Eden to Purim: Simcha shel Mitzvah

Purim 2018 / 5778 To succeed in our mission we must become connoisseurs
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All the Creatures Pray for a Fruitful Harvest

Tu B’Shvat 5778 / 2018 All the trees of the field did not
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When the Body Gives Light to the Soul

Purim, 5777 / 2017 R. Tsadok HaKohen broadens the definition of Oral Torah
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The Two Trees at Eden’s Center

Tu B’Shvat, 5777 / 2017 On New Year’s Day of Fruit Trees we
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The Menorah: Secret of Ruach HaKodesh

Chanukka 2016 / 5777 The menorah symbolizes the Oral Torah—the light that we
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The Transmutation of Shame though Teshuva

Rosh HaShana 2016 / 5777 There are three categories of tikunim, and every
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Sweetening the Dinim – Rosh HaShanna

Rosh HaShana 2013/5774 Our Rosh Hashana avoda—its soul-searching, lengthy prayers, and special mitzvot—is
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You are joyfully invited to   The 29th Annual Open-House, DAIRY, Pot-Luck (Dance
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