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Tag: inner work

Master of Prayer — Tisha b’Av, 5773 / 2013

During the three weeks our obligation is to decrease simcha. We focus on
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Tisha b’Av, 5771 / 2011

Tisha B’Av 5771 / 2011 Sarah Yehudit Schneider We are about to observe
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Tisha B’Av, 5769 / 2009

Tisha B’Av1, 5769/2009 “Jerusalem…her impurity is in her hems” (Lamentations 1:9). Anyone who
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Tisha B’Av, 5768 / 2008

Tisha B’Av, 5768 / 2008 based on Zohar 3:158a Everyone knows that Tisha
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Tisha B’Av, 5767 / 2007

Tisha B’Av, A Potent Meditation by Sarah Yehudit Schneider Everyone knows that Av
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